real recipe rehab

Welcome to Real Recipe Rehab. I am Susan Frey. Mom, Grandma, Health/Nutrition Coach and Pampered Chef Consultant. Here you will not only find recipes for eating healthy, but also for maintaining your motivation and for staying physically active as you learn to de-stress and relax by taking care of your spiritual health. 

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

I believe there are three important pillars of good health:

Healthy Eating, Spiritual Health, and Physical Fitness

There might be other factors, but I feel that if I take care of these three things in my life, everything else seems to fall into place.

Recipes for Healthy Eating

My recipe for healthy eating is very simple. Choose lean, healthy, wholesome foods at least 80% of the time. And don’t beat yourself up over the other 20%. I may eat a food that I don’t love, but I will never eat food that I dislike! 


Recipes for Spiritual Health

My recipe for spiritual health is to take time each day to “be still.” Let the stress of this hectic world melt away. I do this by spending time in prayer and meditating on God’s word, and also by doing relaxing Yoga.

Recipes for Physical Fitness

As an ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) Nutrition and Fitness Coach, my recipe for Physical Fitness is plenty of activity including, walking, running, strength training, and HIIT workouts. 

All of these will build muscle and keep your heart and lungs healthy.

The most important thing is to do something you enjoy. 

A Helping Hand in the Kitchen

improve health

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring or time-consuming.

That is why you see Pampered Chef on my site. I have utilized many of their tools and recipes to help me stay healthy without spending hours in the kitchen and I want to share that with you.

If you have a Pampered Chef consultant, please contact them about products you might find here that you are interested in.

If you don’t, please feel free to go HERE to my Pampered Chef site to check out other things we have to offer.